Sunday 10 July 2011

Appeals and Complaints

A pleasant and easy going officer had been appointed as the First Appellate Authority in the PCCF office.It was a pleasure to appear before him. When the proceedings were underway, the people from the section who had denied the information or had given misleading statements were summoned and heard. They readily agreed to provide the desired information and in most cases I did get the information. Those initial years saw a lot of First Appeals being filed which bore fruit in the later years. Since 2009 , the no. of first appeal fell drastically once the delinquent officers realised that they had to give the desired information failing which the applicant could move the higher forums.  The PCCF himself realised that something was wrong in his office . He took a meeting and made it clear that information should be given promptly without excuses . 

However, the matter did not end there. I filed complaints before the State Information Commission with a prayer to levy penalty for the delay. These proceeding dragged on for months together and many an assistant had to sweat dreading the distinct chance of paying a hefty fine for the delay. However, it did not happen. Most got away by assuring the Commission that it would not repeated in the future though there is no  provision in the RTI Act to allow defaulters to get away by a simple assurance. 

Consternation and Horror!

Whenever I visited the PCCF Office to file RTI applications , I filed a number of applications since I was spending money and time . Therefore, the PIO used to dread my visits and not without reason. Consternation and horror greeted the applications and the assistants long used to a generation of secrecy found it hard to throw open the doors of the office to an inquisitive citizen. However, I did have a lot of genuine interest to ascertain how the office functions, how proposals for forest diversion are cleared , which officers are in charge of which job, how do transfers take place, etc. My head was buzzing with questions and many a time I fIled a series of applications due to my deep urge to find out.     

By December,2006 most assistants and officers in the office had bought their own copy of the RTI Act . To most the Act was Greek as none had been trained in the use of the Act. Therefore, convenience took over as most applications were not responded to properly . There was a desperate scramble to chuck the application to some other section or to say that inapplicable sections exempted disclosure. I had to move the First Appellate Authority a number of times during 2007 and 2008 to get the desired information. The hearings were interesting and worth reporting. However, more of it in my next post.   

Saturday 9 July 2011

So many !

Baby steps to the RTI World !

It was in late 2006 when I got a deep urge to find out how the Right to Information Act was being implemented in Orissa state. Being familiar with the forest department due to my wildlife conservation work I thought let me start at home ! Trooping down to the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, I sought to track down the Public Information Officer (PIO), a designated officer in every govt. office who is supposed to accept the applications and also assist the applicant to get information smoothly.

After a lot of difficult I could locate him. The PIO was  an elderly Assistant Conservator of Forests who had a hidden office situated on the 2nd floor deep behind the main office ! I wondered how a senior citizen could make the effort of climbing three flights of stairs to meet this person!

He peered at me with a frown which screamed aloud that I was unwelcome! Very reluctantly, he took out the receipt book and started scribbling the receipts for the application fee of Rs.10 for each form. However, before that he carefully read all the forms and raised his eyebrows a number of times exclaiming aloud..........."you have sought a lot of information!" I smiled back sweetly and said...... "You are right ! I am deeply interested in your department and would love to know how you work!" . 

I came away with feelings of uncertainity about how much information I would actually get. This was sometime in September,2006 and would start off my insatiable quest for information ! 

Biswajit Mohanty  

RTI World

I have started this blog to let the world know how the Right to Information Act actually works in India. Having filed more than 900 applications since 2007 and having dealt with countless government authorities has been a rich, rewarding, amusing and hilarious experience. I hope the readers would enjoy reading my postings. I am sure most citizens of this country have never filed an RTI . The onerous demands of work and providing for the hearth rarely leaves a citizens with any desire to file an RTI and follow it up with the recalcitrant babudom to achieve the desired results.

Welcome to the RTI World!

Biswajit Mohanty